If you are subscribed to ContractorTools through the Apple app store, you need to cancel your subscription in the Apple app store.
To Cancel Your App Store Subscription:
Sign out of ContractorTools on your iPhone/iPad(s).
Click on this link: https://apps.apple.com/account/subscriptions to manage your subscriptions. If ContractorTools is not there, then you are not subscribed to ContractorTools, so you're done.
Tap "Cancel Subscription" to cancel your subscription.
If you are not subscribed through the Apple app store, but you are subscribed through our website. You need to sign in to our website to cancel. Here's how:
Sign In on the ContractorTools website to manage your account
Go to the ContractorTools website: www.contractortools.com and click the "Sign In" button in the upper right corner of the screen. This sign in form will appear:
Enter the email and password that you used to sign up with ContractorTools, then tap Sign In.
This will take you to your ContractorTools account management menu:
Here you can view your current account information, enter or update your billing (credit card) information, and select or update your subscription information.
Click "Subscriptions" to manage your subscription
This will take you to the My Plans screen:
The blue "Your Current Plan" box appears under the plan with you are currently subscribed to. If you want to cancel your subscription, click "Cancel Subscription".