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Account Period Closed

The account period has closed. Txn Date=99/99/9999 is before book closing date=99/99/9999

Dan Fellman avatar
Written by Dan Fellman
Updated over a week ago

This error is happening because ContractorTools is attempting to write a "transaction" to QuickBooks that is dated before the end of the last period closed in QuickBooks.

A "transaction" can be either an Estimate, Invoice, or a Payment.

To fix this error, you have two options:

1) Go into QuickBooks and remove or change the last closing date, to a date after the transaction you are trying to write to QuickBooks, or

2) Change the date of the ContractorTools transaction to a date later than the last closing date in QuickBooks.

Once you have done either of these, then:

  • Go to ContractorTools and select "QuickBooks Sync" in the main menu.

  • Tap on "Sync Errors". This will take you to a list of the sync errors.

  • For each error, tap on it, then tap Clear. Or tap "Clear All Errors".

  • Now go back to the QuickBooks Sync screen and tap "Sync Now".

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